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Join us for Worship

Regular Schedule



Low Mass - 8:00am

Church School - 9:00am, September through May

Sung Mass - 10:15am

The nursery is staffed 9:15 - 11:30am

(10:15 to 11:30 June - August)



No services



Low Mass - 9:15am
Vestry - second Tuesdays at 7:00pm



Low Mass & Anointing of the Sick - 9:30am
Lectionary Bible Study - 10:30am



Low Mass - 12:00pm



Mass (Extraordinary Form) - 9:15am



Low Mass - 8:15am
Rosary - 9:00am

Confessions - 9:30 - 10:00am


The Daily Office is prayed 15 minutes before Mass on Tuesday through Saturday.

Contact the Rector for a home communion visit.


SPECIAL EVENTS(Google Calendar)


'The Chosen' Watch Party -- Wednesdays at 6pm


Mardi Gras Pot-luck luncheon -- Sunday, March 2


Ash Wednesday -- March 5, Mass at 11am and 6:30pm


Lenten Quiet Day -- Saturday, March 8, 8am to noon


Fridays in Lent, starts March 14 at 6:30pm​


Saturday preparation booklet link.


Photo links: historical photos, 75th anniversary photos


Explore St Peter's Basilica in Rome


Bulletin for Sunday, Feb 23, Newsletter for Feb 20

Tune-in Online

Welcome from the Rector

Sunday Livestream

Father Matkin's Sunday Sermon

Bible Study Livestream

"Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all. "


Vincent of Lérins,  Commonitorium (c. 434)


Thank you for contacting us, we'll reply to you shortly. Have a blessed day, and peace be with you.

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Canterbury Cathedral detail of Redemptio

A Congregation of the Anglican Church in North America.

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